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by Matt Rogers at 1:58 AM
(1,657 Views / 0 Likes)
Comcast cable company and I haven't always had the best relationship: I am still bitter about the hoodwink they pulled when the digital switch-over occurred and I lost most of my basic cable stations. But I have to give them some points for their new 'Deep Blue' coral reef cable vans. I have no idea what the 'Deep Blue' campaign is about and don't care. But those vans are cool and I wish they would paint my car like that. Lets call it even for losing those stations.

by Matt Rogers at 11:06 AM
(2,112 Views / 0 Likes)
NASA is getting into environmental causes by backing a system of turning sewage into biofuel using algae. The OMEGA system consists of floating algae in flexible plastic bags offshore where cities dump their waste water. The freshwater algae would clean the waste water by feeding on nutrients in the sewage and the "cleansed freshwater could then release into the ocean through forward-osmosis membranes in the sides of the plastic bags." "You're concentrating nutrients and releasing extremely clean water into the ocean," said Jonathan Trent, a bioengineer at NASA Ames Research Center. The algae would then be turned into biofuel. More below.

Photo Credit: NASA

"The forward-osmosis membranes only release fresh water into the ocean, and don't permit salty water to contaminate the bags.

Trent envisions harvesting the algae with barges every ten days, and...
by Matt Rogers at 4:49 PM
(6,729 Views / 0 Likes)
What we are looking at here is an actual satellite photo of an ancient city that may even pre-date the pyramids of Giza that has been discovered on the Caribbean sea floor using advanced satellite imagery! The exact location is being kept secret and the people associated with its discovery wish to remain anonymous for now. They are unsure how the city ended up on the sea floor. Simply amazing. I am having a hard time believing this but there are a series of articles and photos on the Herald de Paris Web site:

Got ruins? Undersea archaeologists release new photos | Herald de Paris

More from Caribbean site .. New detail images just released | Herald de Paris...
by Matt Rogers at 8:51 AM
(2,024 Views / 0 Likes)
It's getting extreme out there. You might recall from over the summer the 3reef 'Man of the Year' Martin Strel whom swam the entire Amazon to raise awareness for water pollution. Well Martin look out... here comes Richard Pain - Richard wants to swim from Japan to the United States! If that were not enough, he wants to swim right through the Pacific Garbage Patch to raise awareness for ocean pollution! Gotta love 'em. Good luck! :)

Global warning... Richard Pain, 45, a Sydney film-maker and environmentalist, is planning to swim 9000 kilometres across the Pacific Ocean. Photo: Nick Moir

And lets throw 22 year old Katie Spotz up here too... she is going to ROW across the Atlantic by herself to raise awareness for...
by Matt Rogers at 12:18 AM
(1,807 Views / 0 Likes)
Attention DIYers... does your neighbor with the Solatube reef tank make you jealous? Now you can out-do them with the Computerized Mirror Array from SunCentral which can shoot a concentrated sunbeam from a few hundred parabolic reflectors right into your tank! Try to ignore the talk in this video about lighting up the plenum space. I am pretty sure Bob Goemans would say that is a bad idea. Some assembly is required. :)

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