3reef Aquarium Forums

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by Matt Rogers at 9:20 PM
(4,936 Views / 1 Likes)
The Flipper Nano algae scrubber/scraper is the little brother to the Flipper Standard yet handles big tasks with equal ease. Algae on the aquarium glass? Gone in seconds. Waterline kalk build up? No problem. This is a nice scraper that is easy to handle too. Read for full review.

Got kalk? No problem.

I am a big fan of the original Flipper Standard and have continued to break it out for heavy build up that my Mag Float could not handle. However, the Standard may have just been retired. While it performed big tasks with ease, basic algae removal was a bit more of a chore as the strong magnets and fairly large size of the Standard made it cumbersome and hard to move fast on my 1/4" thick glass 2' cube tank. I was so impressed with how it removed kalk buildup that it really didn't occur to me that a much smaller version would work much better on my nano aquarium.

Fortunately Flipper thought of...
by MarineDepot at 12:25 PM
(5,313 Views / 0 Likes)
We recently began testing a Maxspect Gyre prototype in our 80-gallon shallow reef aquarium in the office and quickly realized we'd need a bigger, deeper tank to truly get a feeling of what this revolutionary device can do.

by Matt Rogers at 11:45 AM
(3,925 Views / 0 Likes)
Which 3reef Site Search do you like?

There is the one in the header. (Stock Search)
And recently I brought back the Google Custom Site Search in the footer.

I am considering placing the Google Search in the header as well for easy access and bumping the stock search to a new location.

I just am trying to get a feel for how many people like the stock search more.

If you haven't used the new one, please check it out.

And tell us...

Which one do you prefer?

by Rhoads238 at 1:58 PM
(12,109 Views / 4 Likes)
Hey all,

I am currently dealing with an infestation of Pycnogonids. For those who have not heard of these they are sea spiders and in my case Acropora eating spiders. They eat the flesh of acros and will cause them to STN. You can identify them by looking in the tank at night with a flashlight.

Here is a photo I took of the spiders on a frag i used to have :(


I have found them quite difficult to get rid of due to a variety of factors that I have observed over the past month or so. They seem to have to have a quick life cycle reproducing within a few days of hatching. They are nocturnal and only come out to feed on my sps at night and hide in the rocks during the day. Their rarity has lead to a lack of information on treatments.

I have been dipping weekly using revive, bayer or iodine. All seem to work on them fine but its the fact that they hide during the day that makes it difficult. Im going to have to do my dips in the middle of...
by Matt Rogers at 11:30 PM
(6,235 Views / 0 Likes)
This is an alert for those of you like me with an exposed refugium light that is not enclosed in glass and that may be as close to the water as safely possible. A couple nights ago I saw something rather disturbing - my refugium light was flickering. Upon closer inspection, my eyes really opened when I discovered my bulb cap was very corroded with rust. I was just cleaning the lens prior and thought that was enough. Apparently not.


An expensive LED bulb, trashed. I quickly scrambled and set up another fixture with a curly bulb from the hardware store. And this time, I wrapped electrical tape around the bulb and socket.


Perhaps a compound like dolphonite would be best, but this should do for now. I will be inspecting this more often. What would you use? Is there a solvent that could repair my old bulb and socket? I want to hear from you.

And check...
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