3reef Aquarium Forums

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by Matt Rogers at 10:27 PM
(2,951 Views / 5 Likes)
Have you noticed? We had a soft-launch of new 3reef features last week. Things are fairly stable so I wanted to share some with you now.

Selective Quoting:


Now you can simply select post text with your mouse and reply or add to multi-quote.

Member Online Status:


To Top and Now To Bottom:


3reef Mobile Improvements:


3reef mobile is now much cleaner and easier to scroll. Post padding and smaller like/quote/reply buttons help the post stand out and be easier to read.

Note: the button (3 lines) next to the post checkbox contains other post options such as editing.

Recent Additions...

New 3reef Skins:

by Matt Rogers at 7:16 PM
(2,307 Views / 3 Likes)
Tony Vargas put it this way... there are 800+ varieties of stony corals in the world, over 300 are at the Great Barrier Reef, but over 600 are in the Philippines. "So, if you want to see stony corals, you go to the Philippines!" That is exactly what Tony did. Tony went to Apo Reef, the second-largest contiguous reef in the world at 13 square miles. Subsequent dives were at Tubbataha atoll reef, a World Heritage Site covering 374 square miles. Both of these reefs are designated as protected parks and well managed. According to Tony, nobody gets in and out without them knowing. That is great to hear as not long ago, all news seemed to be about cyanide water bottles and dynamite. The following photos show otherwise. Enjoy.



by Matt Rogers at 11:27 PM
(3,575 Views / 1 Likes)
I found myself camped out at the Digital Aquatics Reef-A-Palooza booth for some time taking in the Archon - another crazy powerful aquarium controller on the way with a quad-core Linux processor, 4GB memory and built-in no-need-to-buy-a-module WiFi. You have to like it. The Archon is strong in the usual controller way with a six port switch box, 4 PWM dimming ports, 4 module ports and pH probe, etc. But it is all that power along with the no-holds-barred open-source attitude - down to the CSS of the web app - that gives the Archon some real punch. And forget 7 day history limits, you could keep a years worth of data simply with a cheapo memory stick. Coming soon for $549.



Check out their new doser module!

by Matt Rogers at 12:20 AM
(4,738 Views / 2 Likes)
It took a lot of work, but I am happy to announce that 3reef Skins are back. Any 3reef user can now choose a site style or 'skin' to suit your mood - changing the entire look and feel of the site in seconds. To choose a new style, simply click on the style chooser link in the footer as shown below. There are many other new features that will be announced this week. Stay tuned. And enjoy the new skins!


To use: Simply click the Style Chooser link in the footer or click the colored squares.


You now have 3 styles to choose from.


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