3reef Aquarium Forums

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by Matt Rogers at 12:29 PM
(5,291 Views / 0 Likes)
Here comes another thermoelectronic chiller. The GEOtronic Thermotronic chillers from Ocean. Reminds me of my old IceProbe chiller. But just more of them in a row? What do you think?
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"OCEAN GEOtronic, the most innovative solution for thermoregulating your aquarium, all year round. The thermotronic technology allows the continuous, constant, and smooth thermoregulation of your aquarium, without any thermal shocks.
OCEAN GEOtronic models do not have any annoying vibrations and do not use gas.
There are no moving parts to wear out on the inside, adn all the models are made of corrosion resistant materials and they do not require specific maintance
Easy to install, completely automatic and verversible, OCEAN GEOtronic heats and cools either salt and freshwater. "

More info:
Ocean 150 Thermotronic Reversible Conditioner for Aquariums :: Ocean Geotronic Thermotronic...
by Matt Rogers at 12:23 PM
(3,918 Views / 0 Likes)
Having trouble keeping track of all the protein skimmers out there? You are not the only one. Here is a preview of some new skimmers from AquaEuroUSA. Take a little Euro-Reef, thrown in a little Deltec and stir?
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Anybody check these out? How do they look?
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More info and pics at their website:
by Matt Rogers at 12:28 AM
(11,532 Views / 0 Likes)
I found this old diagram of the Eco-Wheel filter on my computer today. One of the more different designs for an aquarium filter to come along in a while in many regards.
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The Eco-Wheel Filter
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I've seen one at a fish store on a display tank. It had the biggest PVC you've ever seen on an aquarium and one thing notable is the air-lift water return. And the wheel created a nice somewhat random surge in the aquarium. Although I did see some micro-bubbles. And speaking of the wheel, there was a light above it to encourage algae growth. A rotating algae scrubber of sorts.

Here is an old thread: http://www.3reef.com/forums/product-review-archives/eco-wheel-32011.html

Have you ever seen one of these in action?
by Matt Rogers at 11:20 PM
(2,993 Views / 0 Likes)
Avast mateys!
Sometimes we forget that nothing, nothing beats this stuff. Screw acans and purple zoos... it's all about the pirate skull. :pirate2:

Click to see Aquarium Decorations
by Matt Rogers at 11:09 PM
(3,402 Views / 0 Likes)
A cool retro filter? A wet/dry, air-stone skimmer with an auto top-off? :surprised
It's the Pro Series Filter from Tom Aquarium Products.

Click to see the Pro Series Filter!
XenPorta © Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM