3reef Aquarium Forums

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by Matt Rogers at 1:18 PM
(7,117 Views / 0 Likes)
ReefGeek has an interesting new lighting fixture - AquaIllumination LED Light Systems. They say it is capable of producing as much light as a 400w halide system with only 50% of the energy!
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AquaIllumination LED Light Systems

This aquarium lighting fixture has sunrise, daylight, sunset and lunar light cycles. All that and a lamp life of up to 10 years. :eek: Are LEDs here to stay?

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by Matt Rogers at 11:23 PM
(11,752 Views / 0 Likes)
It appears that those cool DIY foam backgrounds are going commercial. Check out the Flexible Foam Aquarium Backgrounds from K and A Imports. Nice detail, but from here it looks like they have to work on the 'natural' part. The rocks are kind of floating. Look forward to more though and the marine versions of course!
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Flexible Foam Aquarium Backgrounds from K and A Imports

This will beat those pesky plastic paper backgrounds with depth but you have to pay to play with this luxury.

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Aquarium Backgrounds: Flexible Foam Aquarium Backgrounds from K and A Imports
by Matt Rogers at 2:22 PM
(10,027 Views / 0 Likes)
Odyessea's low-profile HQI Metal Halide Aquarium Fixtures pinged on the 3reef Radar recently. HQI halide, PC actinics, LED moonlights and electronic ballasts and only 3" tall.
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by Matt Rogers at 10:55 PM
(20,287 Views / 0 Likes)
It was very strange to walk into Petsmart and see T5 light fixtures for sale. :eek: Yet, after rubbing the eyes, it was clear that they indeed have several Hagen T5 HO GLO aquarium fixtures for sale now. Make note, you freshwater plant tank people and nano reefers, as these 2x39w T5 HO fixtures from Hagen may be the answer for your lighting needs. Especially for less than $130.
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Hagen T5 HO Lighting Systems
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by Matt Rogers at 8:44 AM
(10,241 Views / 0 Likes)
Deltec is renown for their amazing skimmers. But were you aware that Deltec now makes a revolutionary new chiller called the 'Eco Cooler?' Either were we.
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Deltec Eco Coolers

Some of you hard hats may know about the concept behind water cooling towers... same with you hard core computer geeks with the heavily mod'd boxes out there. The concept with the Deltec Eco Cooler is the same: "Water from the aquarium is forced to evaporate which draws latent heat from the water thus cooling it down."

"Eco coolers are incredibly cheap to run and are much quieter than a refrigerant cooler. They can be turned on or off using standard temperature controllers.

For example - to achieve 950 watts of cooling:

Refrigerant - 570 watts of electricity.

Eco- cooler - 35 watts of electricity."

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More info:
Deltec - Aquarium Equipment - protein skimmers, turbo skimmers, calcium reactors, fluidized...
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