Welcome IRC - Indiana Reefers Club!

Discussion in 'Indiana Reefers Club' started by Matt Rogers, Jan 17, 2007.

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  1. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Please help me welcome 3reef's first reef club forum - IRC - Indiana Reefers Club - based in South Central Indiana. 8)

    IRC meets once a month and 3reef member Otty is a member and will be running the board here.

    Thanks Otty and welcome IRC!

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  3. Tangster

    Tangster 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 16, 2006
    Yes welcome and come on in fellers the water is fine :)
  4. Otty

    Otty Giant Squid

    Nov 20, 2006
    Elizabethtown, IN
    Welcome Indiana Reefers

    Just wanted to first of all say thanks to Matt for allowing us to use this sight for communication with our new reef club. :victory: We call ourselves Indiana Reefers Club (IRC)....sounds like a hippie club from the 60's... :beatnik2: We will meet once a month at a members house until we outgrow that and then will will look for something else. If you live in central or south central indiana and want to get together and talk about our addiction or should I say our obsession with saltwater and do some frag swapping then let me know or contact our president Jay Barbieri at [email protected] Our first meeting is this Sunday Jan. 21st in Columbus, IN if you are interested I will get you direction. We have a trip lined up on March 18th to go behind the scenes at the Newport Aquarium in KY. Newport Aquarium :: Newport, Kentucky, Greater Cincinnati, Activities to see all the stuff that makes a large aquarium work. Hope to see you there.
    Take care and happy reefing!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  5. Birchell

    Birchell Gigas Clam

    Jul 31, 2006
    New Mexico
    lol, ill be flying in later :hehe: . I wish I lived in a more populated area, :( .
  6. inwall75

    inwall75 Giant Squid

    Sep 10, 2003
    Best wishes on the new club!!!

    Hopefully, the next time I make it to Indy I'll be able to meet you and attend a meeting. Unlike last year, I normally come in the fall for Premium's annual garage sale and visit 5 or 6 of my friends from INDMAS.

    If you need any help, please let me know. I've helped set up 3 clubs.
  7. Otty

    Otty Giant Squid

    Nov 20, 2006
    Elizabethtown, IN
    Thanks Inwall. You will be traveling to the south side of Indy for Premium Aquatics now because they are moving this next weekend to Beach Grove area. We had our first meeting yesterday and went over propagation coral and was very interesting. Learned some cool new methods that I will utilize in the future. The snow kind of dampered a good turn out but we still had a good time. Our president Jay has a beautiful tank, I hope mine looks like that some day. We meet the 3rd sunday of the month so if your in town let me know and I will give you directions on where we are.
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  9. Otty

    Otty Giant Squid

    Nov 20, 2006
    Elizabethtown, IN
    Second Newsletter

    Welcome to IRC…
    This is the second newsletter of IRC for the year of 2007. The second meeting of our club will be on February the 17th at 7:00 p.m. The location for the second meeting will be at the club president’s home. The address is 3721 Camelot Lane Columbus, IN. 47203. Directions to the meeting will be emailed on Thursday the 15th. There will be a few door prize corals given away by myself; you should also plan on bringing any coral, livestock, or equipment that you have for sale or trade at this time. Please also be prepared to bring home anything that you may buy, or trade for (i.e. coolers, bags, holding containers, etc.). Because we had only a few people come to the first meeting there will be a brief demonstration on fragging, as well as some helpful tips for catching nuisance fish from your display.

    Our trip to the Newport Aquarium:
    Our trip for the Newport Aquarium is coming up registration for the trip will end on March the 1st. The cost for the trip will be $28.00 dollars per person going. Your cost includes a 45 minute behind the scenes tour of the state of the art facility, and the usual walk through tour of the aquarium. The date for the trip will be on Sunday March the 18th. The tour time will be announced early in March. Because this trip requires early registration IRC will not be able to refund any money if for any reason you are not able to make it.

    The Newport Aquarium:
    The Newport Aquarium showcases over 7,000 aquatic creatures from around the world in a million gallons of water. Named No. 1 aquarium in the Zagat Survey’s U.S. Family Travel Guide in 2004.

    A state-of-the art facility the Newport Aquarium brings the banks of the Ohio River some of the World’s most advanced, creative technology, not to mention amazing animals, all designed to take you around the globe, visiting each continent, every ocean and hundreds of waterways in between.

    And what a way to travel: Underwater tunnels. See-through floors. Walk around exhibits. And a touch pool. No one before has combined, with such mesmerizing flare, the magic of entertainment and the power of education.

    The Newport Aquarium’s tunnels, totaling 200 feet, are among the very few in the world that are completely seamless. Designed and manufactured in Colorado, each is one solid piece of acrylic, resulting in a 100 percent unobstructed view of the watery world that surrounds you. You’ll walk on the wet side in a kelp forest; a moray eel hideaway; a flooded Amazon rainforest; a colorful coral reef; and a shark feeding ground, surrounded by sharks.
    1 person likes this.
  10. Fishgeek01

    Fishgeek01 Plankton

    Jan 18, 2007
    Columbus, IN
    The meeting is tonight, hope to see everyone there, in case you don't know, I am jay the clubs president, I want to say a special thanks to 3reef and everyone that made it possible to post on here for our club. Email me anytime for more info on our club [email protected] thanks all.

    And special thanks to Matt Rodgers... From IRC and the club President.
    1 person likes this.
  11. inwall75

    inwall75 Giant Squid

    Sep 10, 2003
    Welcome to 3Reef Jay!!!
  12. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Hey no problem! Glad to have you on board 3reef! 8)
    Sounds like a great club.
    Let me know if I can help with anything.
