New product test

Discussion in 'Product Review Archives' started by Phil5613, Dec 17, 2003.

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  1. Phil5613

    Phil5613 Purple Spiny Lobster

    Sep 29, 2003
    Wheaton, Illinois
    Is anyone out there using this product? My LFS has recommended it and while in the store three people bought more and gave it great reviews. I picked up a bottle and started it tonight so I will fill you all in as progress goes! ;)

    Marc Weiss Reef Vital DNA 16 oz.
    Reef Vital DNA- Enhances growth and provides pigmentation priming of coraline algaes, anemones, sea mushrooms, sponges, tunicates, feather dusters, live rock and related organisms. Interferes with the ability of cryptocaryon (saltwater ich) to adhere to fishes` skin. Live rock organisms proliferate with increased color. Adhesion to substrate is accelerated. Reduces nuisance algaes and breaks down organic wastes, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and phosphates. Promotes coral polyp regeneration and reproduction: Aids damaged corals.

    Attached Files:

    • dna.bmp
      File size:
      66.3 KB
  2. Click Here!

  3. Craig Manoukian

    Craig Manoukian Giant Squid

    Dec 15, 2002
    Marina del Rey, California
    Does it do windows?  JK

    Please keep us posted as if it lives up to its claims it would certainly be a fantastic product!  Keep a good journal and test your water parameters before and after adding the stuff to bench mark what is going on.
  4. Phil5613

    Phil5613 Purple Spiny Lobster

    Sep 29, 2003
    Wheaton, Illinois
    One month after beginning the dosing the rock is gorgeous! I used 1 teaspoon daily for 1 month and the rock glows it a product I will continue to use and will recommend it to all of you. As far as the other attributes like stopping Ich and stuff I don't have a problem so don't know if it helps and as stated in a different post I used tlc's marine S.A.T. for the hair algae before using the DNA product so there was nothing to test there. But if you want the recipe I am using it is a Kalk drip daily, dosing reef builder plus, dosing reef complete, dosing reef plus amino acid/ vitamin and reef calcium along with the DNA. I won't reveal my dosing schedule other then the Kalk daily because there are too many opinions on that and I like my way! I do recommend this product highly especially because the rock I had is old rock from an existing tank that was in sad shape.
  5. Phil5613

    Phil5613 Purple Spiny Lobster

    Sep 29, 2003
    Wheaton, Illinois
    As a side note all my parameters stayed rock solid and didn't move so the DNA didn't affect my ammonia, nitrite, nitrate or ph. I didn't start dosing seachem till after DNA so cant tell you the affect on those levels but can tell you dosing schedule was easy to figure and has been easy to maintian no spikes or drop offs
  6. Phil5613

    Phil5613 Purple Spiny Lobster

    Sep 29, 2003
    Wheaton, Illinois
    I voted it an 8 because I didn't have to test the Ich and stuff.
  7. karlas

    karlas Fire Goby

    Feb 20, 2002
    berwick, PA,Pennsylvania
    i will try and look for it sometines it takes a while for a new product to show up in my are but will keep my eyes open