My new custom Tru Vu frag tank

Discussion in 'Show Off Your Fish Tanks!' started by Gresham, Oct 9, 2004.

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  1. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    Sorry for the blurry shot, I've been told my ccd has become dismounted :huh: :-/

    This tank hold a little over 26 gallons when filled to the overflow.  It is made out of 3/8 acrylic and has a 2" lip around the entire top.  Being that, it's an open top tank ;)  The OD of the tank is 36" long x 18" wide x 12" tall.  The water line is at 10" inside the tank, leaving a little over an inch to the bottom of the tanks lip.  The bottom is painted white as I'm not putting any substrate inside this.  The background was painted blue because I couldn't stand to look at that much white.  The overflow will be enough whiteness, along with the blinding bottom.  I have acrylic trays I drilled out for the frags, 2 of them are pictured above.  These two are for larger frags/colonies.  I have smaller ones for smaller frags.  All available space was drilled out on all trays allowing for maxamized flow thru.  

    Lighting for the tank is the new Icecap Spot pendant with 150 watt 6500k metal halide flood version and a Icecap electonic ballast
    my Icecap Spot Pendant review
    My thread on the Icecap Spot Pendant in the Lighting forum

    I'm using a new overflow design (at least to me) and a Stockman standpipe, which is fairly close to what Fletch came up with on his own :)
    Gresham overflow with Stockman standpipe thread

    Water movement will be provided by both an OM Squirt ( ) and Tunze pumps ( ).  Roger of Tunze USA is currently helping me design which pumps and controllers will be used.  I'm going to use a Tunze as my return pump as well :)  For a skimmer, I'm going to get a Euroreef cs-8-2 (0r 3) EXT or RC model.  I'm going to utilize yet another Tunze pump to power that :)  For auto-top off, I'm using a Cole Parmer Masterflex parastatic dosing pump that will drive a custom made Nilson reactor.  To add in alkalinity, I'm using a DG88 calcium reactor design with my own touches.  This tank is inline with my 30g (soon to be 36"x18"24"), 10 refugium and 10 gallon sump.
  2. Click Here!

  3. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    The back drop behind the tank is being replaced with a stainless steel backsplash and with a full canopy over both tanks to hide all componants. I made a nice electrical center for all my needs, I'll post pics once it's fully finished. I have plans to make a new stand as well, but I'm going to put that off for some time. It's all ready been quite a haul, and I have yet to fully complete the electrical center. I haven't even started the canopy :(
  4. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    I ran a another 20 amp circuit (only 2x 20amp) for this system, can't have to much overhead :)  While I was at it, I replumbed my RO/DI to be able to fill different containers around my house, as well as do my auto-top-off.  I've spent days, er weeks, on this, how come no one is up when I finished and was getting ready to fill it?  Bah, thats cool, thus is the life of a certified reef nerd :)  Time to grab my flashlight and check for nocturnal critters [smiley=crazy.gif] [smiley=fish.gif], then hit the sack [smiley=dozey.gif]!
  5. fletch

    fletch Kole Tang

    Mar 26, 2004
    Upstate New York
    Very nice set up Gresham
    Are you going to be going into the frag business?

    .......................................................... John
  6. Jason McKenzie

    Jason McKenzie Super Moderator

    Mar 23, 2003
    Vancouver, BC,Canada
    Nice set up Gresham, Will be looking forward to follow ups on the lighting and the stockman.
    So what is going to be your first Frag? Isn't this like bringing your work home with you? :)

  7. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    No, no business at home, just a hobby. I can't do a hige tank right now, so I'll just start my corals for now, and move up later. I have SOOOO many people to frag from around here, I'm loosing out by not having any space :)
  8. Click Here!

  9. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Cool tank G! [smiley=glasses2.gif]

    Sounds like a fun project.

    Hey something I've noticed with my acrylic turtle tank.. keep an eye on that lip and the heat from that light.. my tank lip starting warping from this heat lamp I had too close and I had to use a brick to reset it. Your probably fine, but FYI.

    Look forward to more pics.

  10. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    The lip is around the outside only, its a total open top tank. My heat is directional in a way with this set-up, it really just goes straight down and up with no noticable warming of the tank top 2" lip. I'm putting a canopy on it, so it'll be vented anyways, I'm attacking that issue on two fronts. I've had acrylic tanks get totally messed up from heat, not a pretty sight. Your lucky you could save yours. With my herps and such I usually end up burning the tank with the heat lamp :) so repair is next to impossiable.
  11. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    Oh, and wouldn't you know it, I get this up, and now it looks like I'm moving. Figures. I had it totally plumbeb for my top off (doser in basement, along with RO/DI and water storage) nilson reactor, extra RO source just in case and a new 20 amp line. Damn, now i have to go do this at a new place :)
  12. Jay

    Jay Teardrop Maxima Clam

    Aug 20, 2004
    Hey Gresham

    Will my 250 watt halides ruin my acrylic tank? The top gets pretty hot and I see part of the lip bend up a bit but when it cools it goes back in shape. Please tell me it will be ok. :-[