Get the word out Nor-Cal style: Contest Entry

Discussion in 'Get the Word Out 2011 Contest' started by damon, Jun 9, 2011.

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  1. damon

    damon Sea Dragon

    Dec 6, 2010
    Santa Cruz Ca
    So I'm going to be doing quite a bit for this get the word out because my reefs means a lot to me and 3reef and helped me become a better reefer :hehe:. I'm going to be doing a mix a pics and small vids, so you guys can see what I'm doing while it's going down. I'll see about putting it all together at the end. I'm also going to make a photo album on my FB page because I keep a build album of my 29 I'm building (I need to update my thread on here soon) and have friends that keep up with it on there. I'm one of those "boarder guys" :2thumbsup so I thought I'd try to add a little Nor-Cal style. If you know about boarding lifestyle you know what's under your feet is a big deal, so for me to switch from my sponsored shop deck (thanks Lance ) to a deck with 3reef on it is a big deal for me, but I love 3reef, so the kids will just have to understand for a little while. I put 3reef on my soft top surfboard, but I did not want to misrepresent 3reef and only have it on my cheap board, so I put it on my favorite shred stick too. I have other plans in the works and am looking forward to all the fun that will be had making little vids with my new advertisements.

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    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
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  3. damon

    damon Sea Dragon

    Dec 6, 2010
    Santa Cruz Ca
    that's the shop deck (I'd put 3reef on there, but I don't think I can do it big enough with out covering the shop logo) and here is the 3reef deck. It might get some more work as things progress (maybe some gold highlights lol), I'll post pics if it does.

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  4. bioreefdude

    bioreefdude Fu Manchu Lion Fish

    Apr 24, 2009
    stockton ca
  5. Gresham

    Gresham Great Blue Whale

    Nov 7, 2002
    SF/Monterey Bay Area, CA
    Not sure if you know or not but the 831 reef club is having a swap at the LFS in Capitola (the one that moved from Watsonville on Freedom Blvd) this Saturday.
  6. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    I've had fun in Capitola. :)
    Damon I love the boards man! 8)
    Please get someone to take a nice pic of you ripping on that board - I'll make a freakin' poster of it! :lol:

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  7. damon

    damon Sea Dragon

    Dec 6, 2010
    Santa Cruz Ca
    I'm hoping to get a nice pic that you can see the 3reef in a good cutback or coming off the lip. I'm also planing on going out on the soft top and getting a ride with that sign you see, so everyone can look forward to a vid of that. I'm sure that will be entertaining no matter what lol, but I surf alone most of the time, so I'm thinking that's going to happen next week.

    I'm a dialysis patient and my reef does wonders for my Blood pressure (when it's not going to hell and driving my BP up:jester:), so today I'm going to wear this to the clinic. I'm always talking about my tanks and showing pics of them, and we all joke a lot, so I'm sure all the techs and nurses will get a big kick out of it knowing I fully believe this and tell every one down there to get a reef tank all the time.

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  9. damon

    damon Sea Dragon

    Dec 6, 2010
    Santa Cruz Ca
    Man, I'm getting a kick out of this shirt. My nephrologist came to talk to me about my blood pressure and maybe needing to raise my medication because it's been high lately and he see's my shirt and gets this puzzled look. He asked "what's 3reef and how is it going to help blood pressure". I told him it's the site I go to for my fish tank (he knows about my reef addiction). He gets this ya right look as he reaches for my paper work and see's that my blood pressure is worlds better today (179/88 last time, 122/63 this time) and says "well your blood pressure is better, I guess we will not be adjusting your medication today" SOOOO STOOOOKED!!!
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  10. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    Wow. The power of 3reef!
    Seriously though - great news on your blood pressure. Congrats!
  11. NickMcK105

    NickMcK105 Plankton

    Jun 10, 2011
    Hey old buddy. Here I am. Good luck with this!!!
  12. nutmegd

    nutmegd Plankton

    Jun 10, 2011