Donation Annoucement

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MadMAX, Apr 7, 2016.

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  1. MadMAX

    MadMAX 3reef Sponsor

    Aug 23, 2009
    Official Announcement:


    The Owners and Organizers of the Marine Aquarium Expo are proud to announce a monetary donation in the amount of $500 has been awarded to the "Coral Restoration Foundation". These funds came from a percentage of total raffle proceeds from MAX 2016 and are donated for good cause to a wonderful organization related to our industry.

    In addition to our donation, Seachem Laboratories has pledged to DOUBLE our donation, dollar-for-dollar, so as to make a total amount of $1,000 that will be given to CRF! We can think of few better causes in which to invest for our futures.

    For those who might wish to make a personal donation, Seachem had gratiously offered to double your donation too. Simply follow this link to the appropriate webpage and make your gift via either check, credit card, or paypal:

    Best of Luck and we will see you all in 2017 for our 10th Anniversary!

    Kevin T. Adams, President
    Marine Aquarium Expo
