Auto Image Resizer, Hot Topics, Map FAQ and Blinking PM

Discussion in '3reef Forum News & Information' started by Matt Rogers, Jan 28, 2006.

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  1. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Kingfish

    Dec 31, 2000
    Berkeley, CA
    A minor 3reef upgrade has just been completed. Most of this was security related and some bug fixes.

    However, there are four new features:

    Auto Image Resizer - Large images in posts are now automatically resized to 400 pixels in width. Simply clicking on the photo will open it in a new window full size. Hold down the shift key and reload your browser to load this new code. See it in action here.

    This Week's Hot Topics - You will now find the top 5 threads with the most replies in the last 7 days at the top of the forum!

    Member Map How To - Having trouble getting your location on map? Check out the FAQ.

    Blinking PM Icon - Never notice that you have private messages? Now you should. :)

    In progress...

    1) A new member-submitted acronyms page. - I'll get this up as soon as the new compatible version is made available. Hopefully in the next month or so.

    2) Calculators - I need more! Do you have any? Please let me know. Thanks to ryugraphixs for a couple of these. ETA - soon.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
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  3. Jason McKenzie

    Jason McKenzie Super Moderator

    Mar 23, 2003
    Vancouver, BC,Canada
    WOW those are some very cool upgrades. I really missed the auto image resizer that the older site had. THis is great Matt. You kick but.


    Now I need some one to PM me to see the new flashing thingy