Algaefix Marine by API

Discussion in 'Algae' started by steve wright, May 2, 2011.

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  1. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    My long term results are not so good. There were a few corals that weren't too happy during the dosing. As time went on, a number of the LPS started to recede. I believe that the Algaefix does weaken the corals to an extent, which may allow infection to set in.

    The corals that I'm having an issue with are War and Peace favia, some kind of green favia, Wellso brain, most of the Lord Acans, Acan Rotundofloro, Micromusa, Green Mycidium and the Tyree Red Watermelon chalice. The RW is showing a small amount of skeleton in one area, which does not make me happy.

    I had first noticed that some of the LPS were not eating like they should, then the Micromusa nearly melted overnight. I checked the Lords closely, and saw that there was a white mucus forming at the edges. After re-checking parameters, changing carbon, doing a large WC and Furan2 dips it looks like it may me under control, I hope.

    I had tried Algaefix shortly after I had started my first reef tank, and had a similar experience with Acans receding. I wasn't exactly sure what the problem was at the time, but now I'm having the same problem I had then. Up until this point, I've had zero issues with any of the LPS.

    The kicker is that I still have the same green algae that I started with. If anything, there is more of it because all of the other types of algae are gone, lol. After stopping the Algaefix in the FOWLR, the algae growth really took off. I believe it's because the chaeto is also weakened by the Algaefix, and the algae in the tank was quicker to recover after the dosing stopped. The chaeto in both sumps was reduced in size, and a good amount had sunk to the bottom and appeared limp and possibly decaying.

    So, off to do another Furan2 dip. I would have posted sooner, but work has been extremely hectic lately, and I've been dealing with this problem.
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  3. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    a very sad, but none the less valuable update barbianj
    I hope you can save majority of those corals, and a return to former conditions will hopefully reverse this situation

    just for other peoples benefit
    during the treatment periods , have you also been carbon dosing, running GFO and carbon

    did you at one stage decrease the time between dosages?
    how many dosages total have you used in the tank?
    at what dose did you 1st notice issues, and can you clarify prior to that dose things seemed OK?

    I feel that there are valuable lessons to be learned from your experience

  4. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    Thanks, Steve, I think I caught it in time.

    Vodka dosing was done continuously.

    I have it, but don't run GFO.

    I didn't notice any issues until the maintenance dose on 6/6. It wasn't anything that I could put my finger on at the time, but things just didn't seem right, some of the LPS weren't eating like they should. About that time I also noticed that the chaeto didn't look too hot. It's not in my notes, but the Micro receded shortly after, and I did the first Furan2 dip. Then one on 6/16 and another on 6/20. (I don't always keep up on my notes when in emergency/freakin out mode). :p

    The amount of receding has been greatly reduced, but not eliminated yet.
  5. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    I too, have an interesting update. My red chalice had been doing very well, and developed a deep red/maroon color prior to dosing. Thoughout the last few months of dosing Algaefix (until now I dosed 1/2 recommended once weekly), the red chalice has slowly started to lose color. I first attributed it to possible too low of nutrients, but made a point to feed it often. I then thought perhaps the photo period was too long, but for being at the bottom of the tank, with a 6 bulb T5 fixture running 10/8 hours blue/white, I dont believe that was the problem either. The chalice is now completely white/translucent, but still displays feeding responses. I will try to get a picture tonight if I have time.

    This chalice was introduced well before I started dosing Algaefix, and for the life of me couldnt figure out why. I think this could be the cause. I have also noticed a similar "translucent" look developing in my red candy cane and green hairy mushroom. I'm going to cease dosing and see what happens over the next month or two.

    Am I off here?

    Before dosing:
    Few weeks later:
    Now it is completely "bleached".
  6. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    It seemed that my lower light corals were more sensitive to light than normal when using the Algaefix. Many of them had to be moved to lower light, or even completely out of the light. My large favia had been in the same spot and splitting heads when it bleached. It's been out of the light since then, and nearly recovered. I have a feeling that the Algaefix harms the beneficial algae within the coral.

    Most of my corals have recovered, and none have died so far. The Furan 2 dips are really helping, so I would think that they developed a secondary bacterial infection from a weakened state.
  7. Chisel

    Chisel Plankton

    Jun 29, 2011
    Sorry...just following along. Is it possible that since the Algafix seems to clear the water up to "carbon use quality" in some cases, that it was letting more light in than before you were using it?
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  9. steve wright

    steve wright Super Moderator

    Feb 17, 2009
    shenzhen Guangdong PRC
    Interesting posts

    I have not dosed at all for 2 or 3 weeks now
    never experienced any of the negatives that barbianj and now Sacul are reporting
    but the fact that they have reported these issues, has made me hesitant to continue the weekly dosing

    also wanted to just mention that I think my dosing was less frequent than the instructions indicate

    I dosed after 3 days, rather than every 3rd day
    I dosed Saturday - Wednesday - Monday -Friday - Tuesday etc
    allowing 3 full days between dosing
    I believe others would dose every 3rd day thus Saturday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday etc

    Not sure if the above makes a significant difference

    also, I had read that people who did experience issues, experienced them after about the 10th dose
    with that in mind, my 7th , 8th and 9th doses, where target doses, using a syringe relieved from Aiptasia X treatment

    thereafter, I moved to the once weekly dosing, and continued using the syringe to target the areas of the rockwork that still had an algae presence

    I would be very interested to find out, what if any commonalities are causing the issues
    because its seems at this point, certain corals in certain conditions/circumstances are reacting badly to the product, but at same time same species corals in different conditions/ circumstances , are not showing these signs

    be very interesting to run a series of tests using this product, under different conditions
    and to see, which if any , are more likely to result in the negatives being reported
  10. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    I have a feeling that barbianj is right about this. Use of the product has ceased, and I will only potentially use it to deal with small algae problems, but no longer a regular occurance.

    I did dose full doses every three days, ie, Monday, Thursday, Sunday. I also dosed what I believe was about 6-7 doses, and then moved to a weekly routine.

    Vodka dosing the whole time, as well as running skimmer, carbon, and GFO 24/7. Feeding fish daily, corals once or twice a week.

    Here's an iPhone pic of my chalice tonight. Like I mentioned before, I've also noticed it in the hairy mushroom and red candy cane.

  11. barbianj

    barbianj Hammer Head Shark

    Sep 27, 2009
    Port Washington, WI
    I thought about that at the time, but my water has always been very clear. I've been carbon dosing for a long time, and have a very light fish load for a 125.

    Many of the corals were thriving in a PAR range of 60-100, very low to begin with. Come to think of it, the ones affected were all very low light corals. The acans and chalices that can tolerate moderate light, and are in higher light conditions were either not affected at all, or not to the point where they required a dip.

    My thoughts were along the line of the coral not being able to reflect the light that could potentially damage it, or they were weakened to allow infection to set in.

    I had read an article on Coral Pedia about treating Zoas with Furan 2. :: Articles :: ZoaPox (Zoa Pox); the search for the cause and cure I had some minor issues with them that Lugol's or Coral Rx didn't cure. After just the first dip, the Zoas were all opened up the next day and have started to multiply since.

    When I noticed the recession from the Algaefix, it looked to me like an infection. Since Foran 2 treats a wide range of gram positive and negative bacteria, I decided to try that first. There was a positive response by the next day, so I've been continuing in that direction. I feel that if the Furan 2 would not have worked, I would have already lost corals.

    I also have a red Blasto that has been acting strange for a long time, drooping heads, bailout, not dying, just hanging in there. That was dipped in the Furan 2, and it looks 100% better and growing new heads at a good rate.

    Steve, your dosing schedule could have made a difference. I think that even though I dosed less than the recommended amount, there may not have had a problem if the doses were spaced an extra day apart. That would have allowed an extra day for the corals to recover. If the product were perfectly safe for corals, you could use it every day.

    Sacul1573, did you notice a difference in any of your corals feeding habits during the dosing?
  12. Sacul1573

    Sacul1573 Millepora

    Dec 1, 2010
    A little. The red chalice used to display a feeding response anytime food hit the water, it's been alot less frequent lately, and has a harder time actually hanging on/consuming the food. Also, my green candy cane does not show a feeding response much anymore either, although coloration looks fine.

    Everything else has been same.