Matt Rogers' Neo Nano Aquarium
A cumulation of knowledge and improvements gained from every setback and curve-ball have finally led to stability and coral growth. It was not easy of course. Every tank is different and a successful routine to be discovered - this one took a while. But I think I am "there" - that magic place we reefers strive to reach for.
The Aquarium
The Neo Nano is a beautiful nano aquarium. Rimless with a unique waterfall return. This return is a mixed blessing. On one hand, sitting under my halide, it is a fantastic algae turf filter. Every few weeks during a water change, I scrape off the excess. On the other hand, it can be very loud. Especially if you let the growth go for a while. Additionally, it restricts flow as you need to keep it low to keep noise down and keep the bubbles down in the aquarium.
That said, I do love the aquarium and given the opportunity, I will take the time to remove the water fall return and replace it with a more standard one that will allow me to increase flow.
The shallowness of this aquarium presents challenges as well. It took a while for me to realize I was cooking my SPS corals and moved them lower in the aquarium. Sometimes I feel that even a 70 watt halide would be appropriate over this aquarium.
My routine is pretty locked down. Every few weeks I fill up a 10 gallon aquarium placed on a table nearby with new tank water (mixed over night) and perform a water change. I drain the old water by using a maxi-jet pump in the sump and fill a 5 gallon water container a couple times. Then I place the maxi-jet in my 10 gallon aquarium and pump it into the display tank.
Due to the low water volume of this aquarium, I had a lot of stability issues - especially with alk initially. Then I bought a 3 pump Bubble Magus doser and used the additive calculator on this site and weekly water tests to determine dose rates. Once I dialed it in, my aquarium has been very stable. I highly recommend a doser for those with similar nano aquariums and SPS corals.
1 Coral Beauty Angelfish
1 Royal Gramma
2 Bangaai Cardinalfish
(I am on my second captive-bred set after the first recently passed away after 4 years and spawning a couple times)
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