Algae out off control!

Discussion in 'Algae' started by kiarah, Jan 4, 2009.

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  1. Annie3410

    Annie3410 Teardrop Maxima Clam

    Nov 24, 2008
    Kansas City, MO
    yeah just rinse the LR ruble in a tub of tank water. and, if your due for a carbon change, then no reason to keep it. I rotate my carbon through. I have one old carbon, then one new carbon. when it comes time to clean the canister, i throw away the old carbon, move the not so old carbon down, and put new carbon in. GL and keep us posted on results.
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  3. kiarah

    kiarah Coral Banded Shrimp

    Oct 26, 2008
    Ok a update... Done the filter clean in tank water. Was kinda hopein that when i opened my filters there would be this massive load off gunk, clean it and problem solved but they were not to dirty at all so i guess this is not where they cyano fuel is coming from! im again stumped! anyway i did a 20 percent water change while i was cyponing out as much cyano as possible before i treat the tank ( as i have been told when cyano dies it releases a load off toxins into the tank!) so i thought the less cyano to die in my tank the better! so left treating with Antired till twelve today as you have to put half in then the rest 4-6 hours later so didnt really fancy getting up at 2 in the morning to put the rest in. Im due to put the rest in at about 5............2 hour later not much has happed! the cyano is still going strong & tank water possibly a little cloudy... could just be my eyes thou!
    Ill put the rest in and take some picture & keep regular updates
    1 person likes this.
  4. ZachB

    ZachB Giant Squid

    Oct 12, 2008
    Good luck and k+, I have algae problems too. Can't seem to get rid of it. P04 is 0, nitrates around 10, use RO water, etc. It sucks. At least my lawnmower blenny has a regular buffet..
    1 person likes this.
  5. Aqualung

    Aqualung Stylophora

    Oct 30, 2008
    Buffalo, NY
    I almost lost my breakfast when I saw those Cyano shots!! Good luck! I'm not one to go chemical eighter, but I think thats the way to go if cleaning up your filters doesn't work. That hermit crab probably had algae. Do you have hermits in there? They've been known to munch on cyano. GOD LUCK!! no that's not a typo! lol.. well it was but now I have to leave it.
  6. kiarah

    kiarah Coral Banded Shrimp

    Oct 26, 2008
    Yes there was a load off cyano still can figure out why as the filters were fine but i cleaned them anyway just to rule it out!
    here are sone pictures 6 hours after treatment
    I added 5 green coloured hermits with white tipped legs (If anyone could tell me what type they are that would be great & 1 blue stripy legged hermit & they are all having a field day!
    will post some pictures first thing tomorrow morning

    Thanks K;D

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  7. GuitarMan89

    GuitarMan89 Giant Squid

    Mar 31, 2008
    Wilmington, DE
    It looks a little better, I don't know if that is the chemicals or if you siphoned it out. I fought it after my tank went through its cycle, I started with tap water which had 20ppm nitrates in it to begin with. For it lasted a few weeks, but it was as bad as yours, if not worse. It takes time but keep up the work. Good luck!
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  9. kiarah

    kiarah Coral Banded Shrimp

    Oct 26, 2008
    I did cyphon alot off the bottom off the tank but i didnt take any off the rocks so i do think its helped. When i got up this morning the cyano is now a black colour and not stringy and looks like its not really attached to the rock so how long do you think i should leave it before i cyapon the dead stuff out? Also when i do finally cypon the dead stuff out it will take quite alot off my tank water so it will be more like a water change really as ill have to add new salt water to bring my wtaer level back up so my protein skimmer can work! and by doing that it will weaken the treatment so should i leave it the full 3 days before i try and cypon the dead cyano out?
    Also if i do leave it 2 more days so the treatment works properly will the cyano that already dead pollute my tank?
    Thanks K

    PS Im a little paniced now as my button palp lookes bad and all shriveled. as do my ridicorda & my other mushrooms , my clown has gone quite black across the top half off his body & in general there is a bad smell off veg! I kinda need to no if i should do a water change now to get the dead cyano out ( i take it as it looks dryed out & black its actually dead right?!)

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  10. unclejed

    unclejed Whip-Lash Squid

    Sep 23, 2008
    Clinton Township, Michigan
    Don't panic. Let the chemical work. Follow the directions. The protein skimmer will take care of the dying Cyano.
  11. kiarah

    kiarah Coral Banded Shrimp

    Oct 26, 2008
    Hi, i decided to do another treatment today as the cyano did not completely clear so the instruction say if the 1st treatment does not work then repeat 3 days later so i did today at 12! The cyano had started to regrow so im guessing this product is not strong enough altho it did get rid off 80 percent off it.
    If this product doesnt work them im thinking boout shipping some chemiclean in!
    Also i wanna check my nitrate levels now there is hardly any cyano in the tank to see what they are at , is this ok to do while the treatment is in the tank? Im guessing that the nitrate should be sky high now there is not much cyano living off it right?
    Im still really baffled as to why i have such a bad case off cyano as i dont overfeed, my 2 fluvale filters were all good when i cleaned them, my skimmer is working great & pulling out loads off dark green gunk,
    my coral snad gravle is 2 inch deep maybe 3 in the odd spot, nothing has died, im now on ro water & have been for bout 1 month & half so i just cant get to the botton off the actual problem! if anyone has any more
    ideas what it could be then please help me out!

    I wanted to get this nocked on the head really by 23 feb as we will be moving the tank to our new home and i didnt fancy touching the bacteria!

    Hopefully this second treatment will do the trick,
    Thanks K

    P>S found phos reactors & nitrate reactors on ebay which i will have to save for as with moving we are a bit skint at the mo
  12. Puffy17

    Puffy17 Plankton

    Jan 25, 2009
    thats funny
    You need some snails

    ;)Snails do the job when i had my tank it had brown algea the green I got two large size turbo snails in a week almost aglea less. Consider it.