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Tank Update - Day 210

Thanks to the guidance and advise at 3Reef and the beautiful corals from Tangster (torch, frogspawn...
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24gal JBJ Nano IMG_7134 1239665767715 Becca's Reef IMG_5268resize nanonewby 24 gal. Tank Update - Day 210 OMGTheresAFaceInMyRock skunk cleaner shrimp 24gal JBJ Nano Nite Lite 28 Gallon Nano Cube w/HQI Becca's Reef BioCube Cube Beauty 2013
Thanks to the guidance and advise at 3Reef and the beautiful corals from Tangster (torch, frogspawn and stag), the tank is thriving.
  1. dark126
    hi linda your tank rock no organzed very will i fell headic when i concenterate on it please try to have bettr rock orgnized
  2. PharmrJohn
    That's excellent. Don't pay attention to dark. It's waaaayyyy better than a five. And I can tell you that it does not give me a headic.