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My 10g Nano

I just started my nano here out of an extra 10g tank.  There is about 10 lbs of fiji and tonga as...
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full_tank_shot Where it all Started Cycling - End of Stage 1 new additions Our New Nano nanofront duncan corals My 10g Nano Mushrooms Becca's Reef Top Down IMG_2663 nanoleft My zoa's and polyps... 24gal JBJ Nano IMG_7131
I just started my nano here out of an extra 10g tank. There is about 10 lbs of fiji and tonga as well as about 10 to 12 lbs of LS. No inhabitants yet.
  1. dark126
    do you think that this tank is having a good shape look to it brother ??? please try to organize the rock better , no need for that long rock on both side try to remove it ,only two rock whics is on the middel it will be better .thanks
  2. PharmrJohn
    Nah, I'll keep the ones on the end. When I get some more Fiji from the LFS, I am going to transfer two more pieces of branch to this tank. There is going to be Tonga branch all the way across the back and a pile of rock in the center a little offset to the right. It will satisfy my need for symmetry. So that is the plan. It is work in progress.........;D
  3. Damsels R Cool
    Damsels R Cool
    what lights are you useing i'm looking for lights for my 10
  4. hello_there
    That light looks like its around 36 watts-is that correct or am I way off base? lol