3reef Aquarium Forums

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by JaysLittleOcean at 3:01 PM
(12,624 Views / 2 Likes)
I have been religiously testing my aquarium water every week without fail. And I have noticed that my nitrates after my cycle have been constantly at 20 ppm for the past few weeks. I can attribute this most likely to the daily feedings of frozen fish food and my filter socks. I'm also not the biggest fan of doing large water changes but that is a completely separate topic. So I need to find a way to reduce my nitrates without using exhaustive media that needs to be replaced frequently as my work schedule would not allow for such things. The answer that I may have found might just be the Deltec NFP509 Nitrate Filter. In a nutshell this little piece of equipment provides a place for the anaerobic bacteria that is responsible for utilizing nitrate and phosphates (from my reading) as part of their food source along with a carbon based fluid (1 part Vodka, 3 parts RO/DI) as their food. The result a Nitrate and Phosphate removing group of bacteria that can put a smile on my face. So...
by mikejrice at 6:40 PM
(8,203 Views / 4 Likes)


The method I use for fragging the majority of hard corals is primarily the same with the cutting tooling being a Gryphon band saw.

Cooling liquid used is fresh mixed saltwater with enough iodine to color it a light amber. This helps to disinfect cuts as they're made which has shown to greatly increase frag survival.

All corals are stored during cutting in a small bucket holding water taken directly from their home aquarium. This water is used both to keep them wet as well as for rinsing any flesh away from cuts while I'm working on them.

All finished, and rinsed, frags or trimmed colonies are soaked in Brightwell Aquatics Restor dip to insure that minimal flesh is lost.

Both soak buckets are rinsed and replenished between colonies to reduce the risk of interactions between loose flesh of different coral species.

Notes about acans:

Acans are one of the corals that will bear significant advantages if corallite boundaries are...
by mikejrice at 7:53 PM
(8,121 Views / 3 Likes)
Distribution: Indo, African and Australian reef zones although uncommonly found
Coloration: Reds and greens though I've not seen only one specimen so far
Care level: Medium difficulty
Lighting requirements: Medium
Flow: Medium to high

SG: 1.023-1.026.
Calcium: 400-500.
Alk: 8-12.
Magnesium: 1350-1500.
Temperature: 76-82
Growth: Comparable to candy canes

Blastomussa wellsi is a commonly collected species of coral although there seems to be little reference to it's genera relative the blastomussa merleti. These smaller blastos which I've come to refer to as "micro-blastos" share nearly all attributes with common blastos other than their distinctly smaller polyp size. Typical corallites form at about half the size of their larger cousins' with tighter branching forms coming...
by MarineDepot at 11:00 AM
(4,211 Views / 1 Likes)
Grow corals like a SPS Guru

Score a FREE Current USA T-shirt with your purchase of an Orbit Marine Pro +
take 40% off Korallen-Zucht and an additional 20% off all clearance items!


by johnmaloney at 1:18 PM
(5,991 Views / 3 Likes)
The Contest:

Did you actually trust the neighbor kid to watch the tank while you were out of town? Have your fish trained you to feed them when they approach the glass? Then your tank is probably ugly! If so, good news! It is time. The 6th Ugly Tank Contest is open to contestants. We are looking for tanks that are ugly, neglected, and covered in slime.

The Rules:

Submissions must have a full tank shot (FTS). Only that picture will count towards the contest, but other supporting close up photos are appreciated.

You can reply to this thread to submit the photo.

Pictures must be submitted by June 30th.

We will be selecting the worst 7 tanks from those submitted. Each of these tanks will receive a $10 gift certificate. Each of the finalists will then vote for the tank they think is the worst, but are not allowed to vote for their own tank.

Winner gets a free custom clean up crew shipped to clean the tank, or a refund for any custom crew that was...
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